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Good Timing, Zoom Workshop

Selecting Auspicious and Personalised Dates

with Richard Ashworth

timed to suit UK, USA & other Time Zones




Good Timing

Saturday 25th (UK & Europe) 10a.m BST – timing to suit UK Students & Practitioners


repeated Sunday 26th June (World) 3p.m. BST– to suit other time zones.

Basic familiarity with Heavenly Stems & Earthly Branches required.

At 12:59pm on the 6th January 2021 Donald Trump’s followers stormed the Capitol: a very precise moment, observing many of the astrological and other indications of a day for a putsch. As indeed did the 24th February when Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine. In both cases a series of conventions appear to have been followed in keeping with the ancient art of ze ri or Date Selection, presumably in order to make the date fit the objective. Somewhere there may be a feng shui practitioner advising them on timing..

Making the date fit the objective of course is a useful procedure for more routine activities: choosing a day for a house move, surgery or marriage for instance. Or you may simply want some idea of what the day ahead has in store.

If you are interested in either daily forecasts or more ambitious prediction, this Zoom workshop will equip you with the basic tools. Which is where the real work starts of course: this Starter Workshop will be followed by an Advanced Workshop later in the year; you will need today’s material in order to follow the Advanced material.
If you have a working knowledge of Stems and Branches and would like to know more about letting good timing work for you, do contact: sheilaashworthfengshui@gmail.com.

I hope to meet you then,
Best wishes,
Richard A.


Via Zoom only
Lasts approx. 6 hours with approx 1 hour break.
Saturday 25th June will start at 10am (BST). – to suit UK Students & Practitioners
Sunday 26th June will start at 3pm (15:00 BST) – to suit other time zones.

Will cost you £225/$284.50 US/ $397.46 AUS (Early Bird: £195/$246.51/$344.47 – by 1st June 2022)

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