IFSA History
Master Gayle Atherton | Australia | |
Dr Cui Yong Qiang | China | |
Mr Eng Buck Keng | Singapore | |
Grand Master Vincent Koh | Singapore | |
Grand Master Raymond Lo | Hong Kong | |
Mr Darren Ng Hung Meng | Singapore | |
Master Adelina Pang | Singapore | |
Master Shang Zong Wei | Singapore | |
Grand Master Stephen Skinner | Australia | |
Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong | Singapore | |
Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai | Malaysia |

In line with its mission, IFSA aims to globally develop Feng shui as a profession. To do so, it seeks to enhance the image of Feng shui, particularly in terms of worldwide acceptance and credibility. In addition, IFSA will strive to foster the highest standards of Feng shui competence and practice. The IFSA will also serve as a body of assistance to all Feng shui practitioners.
The association’s following core objectives are in response to the steadily growing number of Feng shui enthusiasts in both Singapore and around the world.
- Uniting the Feng shui profession and bringing practitioners and organizations under a common banner.
- Providing a channel for the exchange of ideas and professional experiences among those engaged in the practice of Feng shui.
- Developing and publishing original studies and papers; conducting meetings and holding congresses and events with a view to promote the best practices of Feng shui.
- Undertaking other activities that may be of general benefit to all members.
- Promoting the profession in parts of the world that present growth potential as well as to provide assistance in establishing Chapter Associations. IFSA shall promote these from a strictly independent position.
- After the successful creation of Chapters in Australia, Poland, Japan, Rumania, US, and Mauritius, it was decided to set up a Chapter in the UK based in London. Founding committee included GM Dr Stephen Skinner, Victoria Michaelides, Navaneeta Das, Richard Ashworth and Tony Houldsworth.